Monday 27 April 2015

How to Increase Your Site Traffic & Succeed With Your Affiliate Marketing Programs!

As an affiliate, your principle objective is to offer the items and services offered by your affiliate merchants. Unless you can do this, you can never expect to make much money with affiliate marketing programs. So how do you increase sales and revenues?
In light of current circumstances, you will need to build your site traffic before you can encounter more sales. It’s then a numbers game – the more individuals are mindful of the items you are offering, the more items you will sell.
Here are some tips that can help you increase your site traffic:

1. Optimize for the web crawlers
The best destinations on the web are the most visible ones. Presently there are many approaches to get added exposure on the web, however the best strategy is by far search engine optimization (SEO).
Too technical are the details to mention here, but just understand that SEO has the main purpose of getting your website ranked high on search engines!. We all know that searching for a keyword will produce thousands if not millions of results.
Logically, most people won’t spend much time sifting through the dozens of pages of results; they’ll likely stick to the first page for their selections. It goes without saying, the results on the first page will get the most traffic, thus positioning themselves above other sites to make more money!

2. Joining web registries
While web indexes are no more as broadly utilized as web search tools, a few individuals do use them. It is imperative that you don’t ignore the potential clients that these catalogs can send to your site.
To join a web registry, you will need to present your website for approval, and then it will be to increase your site traffic - content

3. Fresh Content is a Must
Your site should periodically be revised to keep your guest coming back! Your site must have helpful content, and include tools that will help your intended interest group.
Make your site as simple to explore as could be expected under the circumstances, and make certain that your links work the way that they ought to. There is nothing that baffles individuals more than a “broken” link, and once your site has been tagged as “broken”, odds are thin that visitors will return.

4. Build an online group
Said another way, begin building relationships with your guests and prospects. To ensure these visitors return to your site, make sure they feel appreciated by you. Add value and solve some of their problems, and they will reward you with their business.

It’s really not much different making your affiliate marketing business work from a traditional business. Treating your customers right is the only way to keep them. 
The Japanese have an expression: The client is God. So long as you handle your customers with care and respect, and are intentional in trying to meet their needs, you will see that they will reciprocate the love!

Monday 20 April 2015

Don’t Make These 10 Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes!

As the affiliate space continually expands, the number of available networks has grown exponentially. Rookies might get the bright idea to join as many as possible to keep their options open. Instead, a seasoned publisher will know to select a few reputable networks and start small, giving each campaign abundant attention until it starts converting (or cancel it and replace with a higher quality offer). Whether affiliates join a public network like CJ or a private one like Madrivo, the success of a campaign relies more heavily on the affiliate’s deployment strategies than the source.

Not investing in the right resources
One of the tale tell signs of a newbie affiliate is their enthusiasm about making millions of dollars through their free email and hosting accounts. As with many things in life, affiliates must spend money to make money. Investing in servers, IPs, data, and a complex tracking interface allow serious publishers to capitalize on the potential ROI of campaigns they run. Many profitable affiliate companies consist of small teams that have a healthy knowledge of manipulating back end systems for mass exposure. Skimping on the necessary tools will not a wealthy mailer make.

Not tracking
An affiliate who doesn’t track may as well throw their money down a well and wait to see how much comes back up. It doesn’t make sense to put substantial effort into optimizing and deploying a campaign only to depend on the advertiser or network to report the earnings. Tracking platforms top the list of the required resources affiliates need to get started. Many times technical issues (and, sometimes, fraud!) significantly skew the earnings report. Without a tracking mechanism in place, affiliates can’t prove their case for leads they rightfully earned.

Not A/B Testing
Part of optimization includes a/b testing. The merchant and/or network are responsible for providing quality assets that appeal to their target consumer; affiliates, however, are responsible for deploying these assets in a way that maximize conversions. Whether they tweak subject lines, test two different email creatives in the same pool of data, or post banners on sites across different verticals, publishers have a lot of power when it comes to proper ad delivery and placement. A/B testing also benefits the advertiser, strengthening the working partnership with their affiliate and making them more likely to give them better payouts.

Scoping out Competitors
One of the best ways to understand consumer behavior is to understand what’s already out there. If an affiliate considers what people have already seen or experienced against what they’re offering, they can gauge which approaches are most effective for certain demographics as well as what brands are pushing as their selling points. While affiliates don’t want to copy their competitors, they should still know what their up against and take some advice from reputable companies within an industry. The key to a successful campaign is a unique value proposition without the sacrifice of what everyone else is already offering.

Running too many campaigns
Another flub new affiliates often make is running too many campaigns in the hopes that one will just happen to work out. When just starting out, its important to concentrate more on strategy and develop a broad knowledge of effective tactics before taking a shot in dark with several campaigns. If an affiliate focuses on just a few proven offers and spends their time dissecting what did and didn’t work, they’re more likely to be successful down the road. Affiliate marketing is a constantly growing and changing industry because it’s largely driven by consumer trends and evolving technology, both of which can transform overnight. Even more, the time they take to know what campaign performs well in a given vertical and what payout is competitive enough to be worthwhile will save them time and resources on running other offers that aren’t likely to convert. Good publishers will pursue a strong working knowledge of industry tools prior to launching every campaign they’re offered.

Not using SEO
SEO is not dead despite its archaic reputation. In fact, many of the online technological advances made in recent years are based primarily on the use of SEO but in a non-traditional way. While SEO is too complex to sufficiently summarize in a few sentences, new affiliates should take the time to learn about its versatility and different ways it can be incorporated into affiliate marketing. One foolproof way a startup publisher can earn some dough is by placing their links on a page that’s already keyword dense for optimal traffic. SEO works because it simply connects consumers with the information they’re seeking through the words or terms they use to find it. Why not place ads and links exactly where a customer would go to find it?

Not diversifying your affiliate products/verticalsAnother common misstep affiliates make is limiting themselves to running offers within one category. There are plenty of verticals to choose from, whether it be auto, education, dating or finance. All industries have spikes and lulls in sales and growth meaning that one campaign will do well during some seasons and others just won’t. While it’s still important to refrain from running too many offers at once, there’s a need for diversification, regardless of the number. If anything, it will help steady traffic flow and conversion rates when one campaign isn’t performing as well as others in a different industry.

Selling direct to the customer
Affiliates must remember that while they’re selling for a brand or advertiser, they’re not salesmen/women. Instead, they’re a floodgate between the product or service and its ideal consumer. New publishers need to let the merchant dictate the sales strategy and value proposition and then decide the best methods for pushing the advertisements. If too much time is spent building an online storefront for potential customers, it takes away from the energy that could be invested in the best ways to reach the users. Instead, affiliates should consider themselves traffic drivers that bring all of the consumers they reach back to the advertiser, who then becomes responsible for the actual sales transaction. Affiliates don’t sell product or service; they link consumers to it.

With the right balance of time, resources, and tenacity, many new affiliates grow their start up entities into highly lucrative affiliate marketing channels. Diversification, moderation, and experimentation will make a rookie into a pro overtime.

Friday 17 April 2015

The Biggest And Best Affiliate Marketing TIps Online!

There are very respectable profits to be made in affiliate marketing, as many webmasters know from experience. It can work well for you too, if you invest the time necessary to learn all you can about the business.

The advice given in this article will help you to make your business of affiliate marketing more effective.

Never abuse this feature. Even if it doesn’t cause problems, it can be annoying to your customers. It can also break customer-tracking chains and spread viruses.

When you are raking in profits, you should ask for a bigger commission. If you have shown that you can produce and will continue to, the program will try to meet you halfway; that might include a raise.

Let your customers know up front that you participate in affiliate marketing. This will make your readers feel much more well-disposed toward your efforts.

Transparency is always appreciated, particularly in the field of affiliate marketing. When you are honest with your readers, they will respond to you positively.

Advertising through many affiliate programs that target the same groups of consumers is an excellent way to fuel your business. Your visitors will have many more choices in ways to arrive at your website if you have back links on lots of sites that are of interest to them.

To maximize the profitability of your affiliate network, drop affiliates that are not performing up to standard. Regularly evaluate affiliates’ performance and results. Taking out the least effective affiliate partners makes room for better ones.

Sometimes affiliates receive requests to fill via email and then waste time by double- and even triple-checking the emails. Save time and be productive put them into a word document. Doing so makes it much easier to have one master document.

Utilize the advice in this article in your future affiliate marketing business. By applying what you have learned and continuing to educate yourself, you can make significant profits.

Monday 13 April 2015

Affiliate Marketing: What You Should Know!

One of the easiest ways to start making money on the Internet is to start with affiliate marketing. The most difficult part of affiliate marketing is getting started. 
You’re always going to need to keep things going to make sure that your business is doing well, but after you get started it will be much easier. You just need to know some tips about how to get your affiliate marketing business set up, and this article can help you.

First, you need to have a good website. When you begin your affiliate marketing business, a lot of the time the person who owns the product gives you a ready-made website to use. However, this is almost useless to you. 
Use the site as a template, but you need to make sure that your website is different than all the other affiliates. Your website has to be entertaining, relevant and professional. 
More than anything, you need to make sure that your content is related to your target market. That’s why you need to think of your target market before you start your website.

Even though you did not create the product, you need to think about the people the product is best suited for. That is your target market. 
The person who owns the product you’re selling may have some information about the target market, but you would be best served by doing your own investigation. When you know who you are selling the products to, you’re marketing plans are a lot easier to make.

Don’t forget to find out about how you will get paid. Find out whether you’ll be getting paid a percentage of the sale, or whether you’ll be getting a flat rate per sale. 
This is something you should find out right away. Not only that, what you want to make sure that the person who owns the product is a reputable person.

The internet never goes away, so there are sites that are abandoned–you need to make sure that you aren’t signing up for an affiliate program that is long dead. 
To check that out, get in touch with the person who created and owns the product. If you do not have good communication with the person who owns the product, you need to think twice about setting up a business with him.

One of the most important things that you need to do is to drive traffic to your site. Just because you have been given a website and some marketing materials from the person who owns the product, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have any work to do. 
You have to use marketing techniques to get people to your site and buy the product. Blogging, article marketing, social media and guest posting are just some of the ways you can get more people to take notice of you and your site.

You should now be ready to jump into affiliate marketing. There is always more to learn, so make sure you keep learning about how to make yourself a success. Use the information here to help you.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Making Money from Affiliate Marketing In 2015!

It goes without saying really, but the affiliate marketing landscape has changed greatly in recent years. If you’re still using the same approach in 2015 that you did a few years ago, you’ll be losing out greatly. 
With tighter affiliate guidelines and Google’s focus on valuable content, making money from your website in 2015 needs a different approach.

Embrace the Rise of Mobile
One of the biggest changes to affiliate marketing in 2015 is the rise in the number of mobile device users. A survey carried out last year by Global Web Index, reports that 80% of all online adults now own a smartphone. 
If your website isn’t mobile responsive or at least mobile friendly, you’re most definitely losing out on valuable affiliate opportunities.

What’s more, according to IDG’s 2014 Mobile Survey, 46% of all affiliate clicks and 26% of all affiliate retail sales come from mobile devices. So, embracing mobile technology in 2015, looks like a sure fire way of making more money from your website.

Be an Authority: Gain your Audience’s Trust
Why do you think people tend to use successful affiliate websites like last and rather than buying from sellers directly? 
It’s because these sites have become synonymous with trust and transparency. They offer an honest and up to date overview of the options available within their industries.

In 2015, your website needs to take a similar approach to affiliate marketing and be transparent. Give honest reviews of products and services instead of trying to sell everything as being incredible. 
Your audience will respect you for it and use their own initiative when it comes to clicking your affiliate links.

Focus on Creating Quality Content
Ever since Google’s major Penguin and Panda updates a few years ago, poorly written, thin content has rapidly gone out the window in terms of affiliate marketing. Creating valuable content ties in with the point above about being a trusted brand.
In 2015, one of the best strategies for making money through affiliate marketing is to write insightful, useful articles with a unique perspective that people want to read. The future of affiliate marketing in 2015 and beyond is definitely all about quality content.

Look at the “How to” and “why’s?”
One of the hardest parts about being an affiliate, especially if you’re just starting out, is that it is often hard to get seen without the power of a big brand behind you. 
The barrier to entry here is usually very high (a sizable marketing budget for example), so the key thing to focus on here is the generic or “big” keywords/subjects you’ll be looking for are already very competitive – competing for these will be costly!

The quickest way into targeting a less competitive area is writing around the “money” keywords – look a “how to” guides around the “smaller” problems within your area, over time these will gain traffic and affiliate earnings.

Identify Trends in Your Niche
If you have your finger on the pulse and are able to identify market trends before anyone else, you put yourself in a powerful position when it comes to affiliate marketing. 
Using Google Trends can be a great way to decide on which affiliate products and services to promote on your site. If there’s an obvious increase in searches for certain types of products, then be the first to write reviews and create other forms of content around those topics. 
When it comes to making money from affiliate marketing, there’s a lot to be said for being ahead of the game.

What other ways would you suggest making money from affiliate marketing in 2015? Which of the strategies above do you see as being the most effective? What are your experiences of affiliate marketing in 2015? We’d love to hear from you!