Friday 30 January 2015

How To Write Better Affiliate Marketing Content!

Maybe you are just dipping your toe in, or maybe you’re in the deep end. Either way, you’ve found yourself in the affiliate marketing pool. Now you want to take it to the next level. Your content is good, but you know it can be great. Where do you start?

A few months ago, we shared a great affiliate marketing infographic. It showed how important it is to have fun, relevant content for your audience. But what does that content look like?

Well, for starters, it:

1. Speaks From Personal Experience
If a friend recommended a snack bar to you, but hadn’t actually tried it, would you want to to buy it? Probably not.

The same goes for your readers. Any products or services you mention, you should have experience with. Your readers will have questions, and they’ll want you to answer them. Those answers should come from personal experience whenever possible.

Personal stories keep people interested. They want to know about the time you got lost on your way to the mall and this app saved your life, or the new restaurant you tried. Stories are fun to listen to. Getting personal will improve the content that needs to convert.

2. Keeps The Reader In Mind
The first rule of marketing is, “if your audience doesn’t want, they’ll never buy it.” Amy Lynn Andrews talks a lot about this in her post on affiliate marketing tips. Think of what they will buy, when, and how much they might spend.

Finding the right products and services for your readers is important. It’s also important to highlight why they’re are a good fit for your readers.

Do busy moms read your blog? Then how can this new mixer help them? Why is it worth the investment? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. This will help make your content more persuasive.

Keep this in mind when you’re building your audience, as well. Before you have an established audience, you need to do the reverse. Find readers for the products and services you’re promoting.

3. Connects Content And Promotion
No one gets on Twitter for the promoted tweets, or goes to a webpage for the banner ads. People want to hear what you actually have to say. Your entertaining content might include a brand mention. Your readers will read that too.

Readers don’t want a long string of funny tweets from you, and then an awkward sales pitch. Try a funny story involving brand X, Y, or Z instead. People don’t mind promotion when it’s entertaining.

4. Is Honest About Flaws
Readers expect you to be honest, which means including negative feedback now and then. When every product is your “new favorite,” it starts to sound fake. Mentioning anything that you didn’t like helps balance out your reviews.

Holding off on five-star ratings also gives them more punch when something truly great comes along. Just like in school, when that one teacher would never give anything a 100. You knew any project he or she gave an A was top notch. You want to be like that teacher, so people know you only recommend the best.

5. Has Variety
Even if your blog or Twitter account is great, variety is the spice of life. Try new methods of promotion to reach new people. Maybe an email newsletter, a Pinterest account, or pay per click advertising. Think of new ways for people to find you. Have a friend with a similar blog? Maybe ask if they would let you write a guest post. Look at that, there’s a whole new audience for you.

If something you try doesn’t work, feel free to stop using it. But continue to try new things. You never know what might be your next big break.

What truly sets the best affiliate marketers apart is their content. Personal, relevant, and honest content will win out.

Monday 26 January 2015

Three Affiliate Marketing Tips!

Affiliate marketing is a very hot topic right now. Who wouldn’t want to just start making money from selling someone else’s product or service online, without even leaving their home? Sounds easy, right? 

While affiliate marketing is not rocket science, it does require work, dedication, and patience. You are not the only person who finds it intriguing to think that they can actually be making money off of someone else’s product without even leaving your house. 

The field is very competitive and if you want to become a player you will need to invest time and effort, and possibly money, into your endeavor.

Tip 1:
The first step in effective affiliate marketing is choosing a commercially viable product to sell. This is not particularly hard, but keep in mind that you have millions of products and services to pick from, some good and some not so good, so you want to have a list of criteria that your product must meet. 

Clickbank is an extremely popular site and a good place to get started with affiliate marketing. The site itself also offers many affiliate marketing tips. And, you can see stats which tell you how well a product or service is doing. 

Some feel that these stats aren’t all too reliable, but if you find a product that you like, and one that has a good “gravity” and “popularity” measurement, then just go ahead and contact the owner of the product and ask him or her to show you some sort of proof of sales and conversions. This is very simple, and any merchant worth his salt will be happy to provide you with the details.

Tip 2:
Another of the most overlooked affiliate marketing tips has to do with traffic testing and tracking. As you probably already know or will soon realize, there are a million and one ways to get traffic to your affiliate offer. How do you know which one to choose? 

You really don’t. You have to try one for a while and see how that works, or try several at a time and compare them with each other. When you find some that are clearly outperforming others, invest more time, effort, and/or money into those and let the others go.

Tip 3:
Last but not least, take a look at the support that you can offer your customers. Yes, that’s right. If you are selling a product (whether it’s yours or not), you should be prepared to answer questions about that product. 

While this may bother you, it is also one of the factors that will separate you from other affiliates who are not answering questions. This also probably means that you will have to actually buy the product and not just promote it blindly, without knowing its real features, advantages, potential problems, etc. 

Making use of these three affiliate marketing tips will distinguish you from the other affiliate marketers in the business today.

Monday 19 January 2015

How To Be An Affiliate Marketing Rockstar!

Have you been living the rat race life for quite a while and now you’ve grown tired of the boss breathing down your neck and the exhausting office politics? Or maybe you simply need an extra source of income? 

Whatever your reason may be, if you want some good decent income going your bank account’s way, doing affiliate marketing can be a very viable path to follow.

What exactly is affiliate marketing? It is a technique posing as a business opportunity that lets those with entrepreneurial spirit explore the world of passive income through marketing products for other businesses. You can earn through commissions.

So if you think you’d like to give affiliate marketing a try, how do you ensure your success in this field? Here are some very important tips you should follow:

– Choose your niche well

One of the most important factors to consider in doing affiliate marketing is choosing the best affiliate company or products to market. It can make or break your earnings. 

If you have a certain field that you’re most interested in, the easier you can go through the process of deciding what affiliate program to join. So start making a list of your interests and see what affiliate programs come up from that list.

– Create a website that gets followed

One of the best ways to make the most bucks in affiliate marketing is through the creation of well-designed websites. Make sure that your site is easy to navigate and compels targeted visitors to convert – either to sign up under you as referrals or to purchase the products you are marketing. 

A quality landing page that has a call to action for your targeted visitors to do what you need them to do has excellent content that can either be texts that reviews the product, a video tutorial that lets visitors learns how to benefit and use the product well and a very conspicuous opt-in form.

– Use the power of freebies

Useful content is what you can use in making the word free mean money to you. When you offer free content, like say, free reports, when the right people get hold of this report, it can translate to more referrals or purchases.

– Learn how to get targeted traffic to your site

You can’t benefit from your well-designed website, no matter how good your content and freebies are if you don’t have the right visitors. So how do you drive targeted visitors to your site? 

You can do off-page search engine optimization or also known as link building. Whether use blogging, social networking and word of the mouth just to get the attention of the right people.

There are different ways on how you can successfully make people go to your site through this means – article marketing or the use of written content and submitting it to directories for publishers to pick it up and drive people to your site. 

You can set up and maintain social network accounts and let people know about your affiliate sites, or you can tap on your contacts – especially the new media savvy ones like popular bloggers and or community managers to spread the word about your sites.

If you follow all of the above mentioned bits of advice, it will be hard for you to fail as an affiliate marketer.