Monday 31 March 2014

Get the Most Bang for Your Buck: Google Adwords v Facebook Ads

So you have a small advertising budget and are trying to figure out how to get the most bang for your buck. Should you bet your marketing dollars on Google Adwords – the search engine behemoth’s online advertising service? Or would placing a Facebook ad get you closer to your goals?

Dan Golden, chief search artist and president of Chicago-based digital marketing firm Be Found Online, believes it’s important for all businesses to have a presence on both Facebook and Google.

Although many people spend their advertising dollars on both platforms, there are some distinct differences that make one option more effective in some circumstances than the other.
Audience targeting

Google Adwords are targeted based on search terms (and sometimes location, for brick and mortar businesses). This is extremely helpful for businesses that offer services that would appeal to a fairly broad demographic – a local restaurant, sports equipment, landscaping services, etc.

On the other hand, if you have a very niche business, you may have better results with Facebook, which allows you to place ads that target a very specific subset of people. 

For example, you can place an ad that will be viewed by a specific demographic (age, gender, location), and specific interests. You can even use an imported contact list (so people on your email list will see your ad, for example), or target people who are already connected to your business.

Facebook also allows you to set a specific advertising goal. These could include website conversions, website clicks, page likes, app installs, engagement on a specific post, offer claims, or even increased attendance at events.

Golden recommends starting with Google first, because it’s demand-based. If someone is actively searching for a solution to a problem, or even looking for a brick and mortar business in their hometown, they’re much more responsive to Google ads.

Indeed, Google will help you reach a large, broad audience who is specifically looking for the solution you offer. Certain industries (especially in business to business) do well with Google ads, because the audience they’re trying to reach is actively looking for companies offering their services.

However, the possibility remains that not that many people are looking for you or your offer. They might be interested in your product or service but not actively searching for it. Perhaps they don’t even know it exists. In that case, Facebook may be a better option.

“People spend more time on Facebook than they do searching on Google, so it gives us more time to reinforce what the call to action is multiple times to that person on Facebook,” says Golden. This helps you get ‘found,’ so to speak.

Whether you put the bulk of your marketing budget into Google, Facebook or some combination, Golden has the following tips for you and your business.

Be specific. Whether you’re determining search terms for Google ads or keywords on Facebook, “be very specific in terms of who you’re targeting and where you’re targeting,” he says. Make sure you know who it is you’d like to reach.

For Facebook, read through all of the targeting options. For Google, spend some time doing keyword research. “They do have a keyword planner tool that’s pretty good about giving you ideas, and it gives you a lot of insight into what people are actually looking for. Also, look at that in terms of keywords that are similar but not as relevant.”

Being specific also means you’ll avoid this rookie mistake: putting a lot of different terms in one campaign or ad group, even if you’re targeting far different groups of people for each term. “You want to speak to each audience differently, so the ads are highly relevant,” says Golden. 

If you sell air conditioning, also do heating and fix insulation, don’t put all those terms in one Google ad. Create separate ads for each service. On Facebook, different services might reach different demographics. 

For example, if you are selling two different products for different age groups (or genders), it’s best to create a Facebook ad for one group (or one for each group, targeted specifically for them) than an ad with both offers targeting a wider audience.
Start with a small test budget of just a few hundred dollars, Golden recommends. Google has a budget estimator, and Facebook has an audience tool that will tell you how many people fit the criteria you set. 

Make sure you know your objective (subscribers, downloads, sale, etc.) and track them in Google Analytics. “You need to have clear objectives before you go spending money. Otherwise you’re going to spend a thousand bucks and not know if it’s working or not,” 

Golden warns. Use your conversion rate to determine what you think your monthly ad budget should be. If you’re placing ads and nothing’s working, don’t give up. Try to figure out what the problem is. Look at your bounce rates and targeting, and if the page you’re sending people to is built to convert. Make tweaks as necessary and try again, if needed.
Don’t forget the possibility of highly customized ads. Facebook Exchange allows you to specifically target people who have been to your website. “If they browse a certain t-shirt pattern on your site you can place an ad which shows up in their news feed, with the exact product they were looking for on your site,” says Golden.!B2Z9w

Friday 28 March 2014

Quality Advice On Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing provides a cheap, easy way to get a product or service in front of millions of eyeballs. If you want to have any chance of success with Web marketing, you need to become as educated as possible. The article below will give you some great insight and tips on how to become a professional Internet marketer.

The name website marketing makes it seem that this type of marketing is done only on the internet; however, this is not true. For example, you can invite your advertisers and customers to an event you are hosting. This helps build a sense of community between the bloggers and your brand, helping the bloggers feel more enthusiastic about continuing to write about your brand.

TIP! Incorporate new social medial avenues like Twitter and Facebook into all new internet marketing efforts. News media, such as social websites, allow you to keep up-to-date and in constant communication with all your site’s visitors, and simple and quick when trying to keep them informed about any promotions.

Get your name noticed by advertising on websites that receive heavy traffic. This practice could lead to major exposure of your site. Look for pages that receive lots of traffic each day, which introduces your business to large numbers of potential customers.

Mailing List
A “squeeze page” can be an effective way to gather contact info for your mailing list. A squeeze page will encourage your visitors to share their contact information with you. You may even want to offer a freebie or special offer when a visitor shares their email address. This way you get more people on your mailing list and they get a free item.

TIP! Regular blogging can really infuse your internet marketing with success. Consistent blogging provides yet another way to keep your customers informed.

Be as content focused and through as you can when you create a website. Your main goal should be to teach the viewer about your product in a timely manner. Don’t be wordy about your product descriptions. 

Get down to business and focus on what is absolutely necessary for the customer to know to make a good judgement call on whether or not they want to buy your product.

Make sure you keep good records. Track and measure everything you can think of, from your sales and refunds to your site visitors, referrals and conversions. Maintaining detailed analysis of your customers and their purchase habits helps you becomes a better marketer because you see everything that works and what doesn’t.

Read up on marketing studies that show what techniques are and are not effective in webpage design and marketing on the internet in general. 

These psychological responses can greatly influence the way that site visitors connect with your brand. This includes every detail of your site, from colors to layout. If you know enough about this behavior pattern, you can use this to your advantage in making your business more successful.

TIP! When you are developing your website, fill it with content that is comprehensive and highly relevant. You want to focus on giving new information to your customers in a short time period to ensure that they are fully aware about what have purchased.

Create a 500 error page that is user-friendly. This occurs when someone tries to access a page with broken code. If you have an error page that is generic, it will tell visitors that the connection has simply timed out. You can let users know you’re aware of the problem and you are going to fix it.

Creating viral videos and using tags can help you succeed with affiliate marketing. Also include a link to your site embedded in the video description. This can help attract new customers.

As part of your online marketing tactic, think about developing a web page for public relations. Add content containing information from ezines and newspapers. Not only is this simple to do, but it also is an excellent way to promote your business.

TIP: Video marketing is one of the best ways to increase the popularity of your business. Adding a video to your website or blog is the best way to attract and hold a customer’s interest in your product.

Customers need to feel confident that they can order from your website without having to worry about security. Many shoppers feel anxious about sharing their personal or financial information online, so make your customers feel at ease by reminding them that their info is secure.

Here are some tips on internet marketing. Make certain that the objective of your landing page is easily determined. This page is all about selling the product. The product that is available for sale should be very transparent to the page reader from the moment they arrive. If it is hard to find your product, your visitor is likely to leave disappointed.

To be successful at marketing online, you need to maximize your website’s potential. Try various color schemes until you find one that looks great with your products. Your goal is to appeal to visitors and make them want to stay.

TIP! A unique way of doing internet marketing is to use image searches. When you add relevant pictures to your site, you will be able to get visitors who are searching for the photos you provide.

If you want to be a winner with Web marketing, a great website is essential. Make sure you test the site often to fix bad links or bugs. If your visitors are not able to get around your site, they will not buy from you.

Affiliate Marketing
To summarize, what was said in the above article, affiliate marketing can be a very popular way to promote your products. The only way to have online marketing success is by knowing exactly how to go about it. The advice in this article will help you to achieve success in the affiliate marketing business.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Fishbat Details 3 Simple Online Marketing Tips for Businesses

Fishbat, an award winning online marketing firm, explains three online marketing tips small businesses can do in 1 minute.

Following a March 12th article posted by Forbes titled '7 Killer Online Marketing Tactics That Take A Minute Or Less', small business owners do not have the time to act as full time marketers, yet marketing is extremely important for many small companies.

Justin Maas, vice president of client relations at Fishbat, an award winning online marketing firm, explains that small business owners have a lot on their plate. 

A lot of the time small business owners act as the companys accountant, human resource representative, financial planner, hiring manager, and last, but certainly not least, the marketer. 

With all of this on his or her plate, it is obvious that hours cannot be spent each day on promoting the business.

The article reveals a few online marketing tips small business owners can accomplish in 1 minute:

1. Use Portents Content Idea Generator. You can write the best content, but if people don't click it, they don't read it. Portents Content Idea Generator is a great application for coming up with headlines that stand out from the rest, says Maas.

2. Original content reaches a far greater audience than previously written content. While one might be inclined to share previously written content, the best way for a post to go viral is for it to be original. 

Ideas for posts can be taken from other posts, but an original take on the subject will get the most attention, explains Maas. Doing so doesn't necessarily mean writing a full length blog. A quick opinion on the article can be done in a minute or two.

3. Reuse an old blog on social media. Re-purposing an old blog post for social media is a quick way to get content to your followers. It is a great way to reach people who haven't seen it already and, assuming its good, will be welcomed by those who have already seen it, says Maas.

Fishbat is a full-service digital marketing firm and social media agency dedicated to connecting all types of businesses with their target audiences in the most effective and efficient way. 

Through innovative strategies in social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), branding, web design, reputation management and public relations, Fishbat promotes a consistent and professional online voice for all of its clients.

Monday 24 March 2014

Interview with Luke Kling from Lukepeerfly: Answering Affiliate Marketing Questions


Please introduce yourself to our readers. Can you tell us something about your blogging journey. How and when did you enter into blogging?

Hey everyone! My name is Luke Kling and I am the Director of Marketing for the affiliate network, I’ve been doing affiliate marketing, affiliate management, and blogging for about 10 years now.

I started blogging using Blogger in middle school. I’ve had many failed blogs and a few successful blogs. My most successful blog and the one I still write in still today is

How do I get started with affiliate marketing if I am a complete newbie?

Before you get started in affiliate marketing I hope you have a few dollars you’re ready to lose. There is a pretty steep learning curve with affiliate marketing and no matter how much research you do, it’s likely you will lose some money when you’re first getting started and throughout your affiliate marketing career.

I’ve been doing it for years and I still lose money on campaigns often. However, when I find a winner, I know how to make it all worth it :)

So, where should you start as a newbie? I actually have an article on my blog that explains the path I recommend affiliates take as they progress and learn. You can find it at: Suppose I already have a website or blog with decent traffic.

How can I use affiliate marketing to monetize my site?

There are 2 ways I have had the most success monetizing my websites and blogs with affiliate marketing:

My biggest regret with my blog is that I did not buy PopUp Domination and get an AWeber subscription on the day I launched my blog. I waited months before I started building my email list and PopUp Domination is an awesome WordPress plugin to increase your subscribers.

Start building your email list and then you can email your list with affiliate offers. Make sure you’re emailing them information and providing them value.

Then, I only recommend emailing offers that you yourself would buy or sign up for.

I’ve made over $2,000 several times with a few email blasts I’ve sent out. A SINGLE EMAIL. The best part? My email list grows daily from my organic traffic and PopUp Domination :)

Adding banners to your blog or website is easy. Most affiliate offers will have banners available and if they don’t you can always create your own or hire someone to create one for you. Finding the right banners and offers that your audience will be interested is the hard part.

Split test different offers/banners and keep track of what performs best. I use OIOPublisher for this. You can also sell ad space using OIOPublisher to advertisers who want to buy your banner spots on your blog/website.

Do you start by choosing an offer, and then building a website/email list/PPC campaign around it, or the other way around (i.e., first build a website or email list and then try to find suitable offers)?

It depends. I have several websites I’m always looking for offers to promote on. At the same time, if I see a new product/offer that I think has a lot of potential I’ll make a website (usually a squeeze page) around it and see how it performs. I also like building Facebook Pages around niches I am interested in and then I’ll use those Pages to funnel traffic to my own websites/mailing lists and monetize the traffic using that method as well.

Do you fear the possibility of web surfers having their browsers to auto-clean cookies at the end of every browsing sessions? What if this becomes a default feature on browsers?

Clickbank seems to be the big thing among affiliate marketers. Do you use it extensively as well, or most of the offers you promote come from other places?I’m not overly concerned about browsers deleting cookies.

It would put a dent in some of the potential earnings available, but why fear it? If it’s going to happen then it’s going to happen. You have to focus on what you can control.

ClickBank is great for digital products. We’re actually planning to try to get into that space with PeerFly over the next year. I use ClickBank to find some products that I promote. For example, I mentioned PopUp Domination earlier and I use CB to promote them and make money from my referrals. Why not? It’s a great product! :)

What was your first affiliate marketing success?

I believe my first real success from affiliate marketing was a 60′s Music CD package I promoted on AdWords. I setup a campaign on AdWords, went to dinner, and came back to find I’d generated quite a few sales and hardly spent anything.

That was back when AdWords was cheaper and more affiliate friendly.What blogs do you read in Affiliates? Tell me about an article you recently read that stuck out to you.

I actually have a blog aggregate I created to keep track of all my favorite blogs. It’s called affposts. Charles Ngo has been coming out with some awesome articles lately and I also really like Malan Darras’s blog. This article of his was AWESOME.

Do you believe that social media platforms can be used to promote affiliate offers? Can you explain it in brief ?

Social media can definitely be used to promote affiliate offers. I funnel traffic from my social media profiles to affiliate offers all the time. There’s a difference between doing some good marketing and simply spamming people. For example, I reach over 1,000,000 people a day on my Facebook Pages.

I’m able to maintain that because I provide a lot of value to them. In return, when I promote a RELATED product/website to them they’re very engaged.

How do you see the affiliate marketing industry changing in the next 5 years?

This question comes up all the time. 5 years ago no one was really pushing mobile. Today it’s one of the top source for affiliates. I have no idea what the future holds for the industry, but I’ll still be right here trying to make my next dollar.

What do you enjoy most about affiliate marketing?

The constant change. I really love learning new things and working to apply what I’ve learned. I’m also in a position where I get to meet a TON of brilliant affiliate marketers and I learn a lot from them. The industry is awesome.What tools do you use on daily basis?

I don’t actually have a ton of tools I use. I can get most of my work done in Google Chrome and Coda (code editor). I have my own tool called FPTraffic that I created that I use to manage my Facebook Pages and I’m working in that all the time.How do you find ideas for writing and what’s your process like?

Whenever I come up with an idea for an article I’ll put it in the notes on my phone. Then, at night I’ll create a new draft in my WordPress with all my ideas for the post. Basically, an outline.

I like writing at night so I’ll usually pick a draft that interests me and start writing out a rough draft and then the next day go back through, find graphics, and do a final publication.

What is the biggest mistake I can avoid starting out in Internet Marketing?

A lot of times new affiliates in the space will spread themselves too thin. They’ll basically try EVERYTHING. Another problem a lot of affiliates will run into is that they’ll buy every course they can find and try to learn everything at once. By the time they actually get around to running a campaign they’re out of money and burned out.

Find a source to try, create a campaign, analyze your results, optimize your campaign, and then run more traffic. You’ll lose money more than likely, but you’ll gain experience. Experience is much more effective than reading.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Maximizing Google Updates for Your Marketing Strategy

Maybe Google was feeling the Spring-cleaning vibes, or perhaps it was just a time for a new change. Either way, Google has made some important modifications to its search engine results page (SERP) and Google+. And as with most Google changes, it’s important for marketers to determine how it impacts their online marketing strategy.

Let’s take a look at each, shall we?

Google Search Layout:
Although the change was made with good intentions— Google wanted to create a consistent user experience across various devices—that hasn’t provided protection against the backlash of users who hate the new layout (although there’s something to be said about people being resistant to change on the Internet). But regardless of their opinion, it’s here to stay. 

Here’s what you should know:

The Changes:
* Paid search results are no longer in a yellow box. To differentiate between Google ads and organic search results, paid links will have a small yellow box with the word “Ad” next to it. A faint line will also separate these paid results from the “real” results section.

*Titles will now be truncated in the new layout. Instead of the 70 characters that were allowed for SEO optimization, marketers now have 59-60 characters.

* Simple aesthetic alterations include a new font and no underlines in links.
Why It’s Important:
Google ads now blend in more with organic search, which means the SERP battlefield just got a bit more competitive. When a user Googles something, her eyes aren’t going to move as quickly from the ads down to the organic results. So, there’s a greater chance for Google ads to get more hits than your webpage.

Truncated titles will impact SEO; less character space means you’ll have to create even more strategic titles.

What You Can Do:
Write strategic, attention-grabbing headlines. You may also need to create new titles for web pages and old blog posts to ensure they don’t get cut off on the new page. Not addressing this small detail could be the difference between someone clicking through to your site or a competitor’s.

Create killer content. More competition means you’ll need to enhance your content strategy with even more targeted content. The best way to learn more about your audience? Create a buyer persona if you haven’t already. With that tool, you’ll set the best foundation for your content. 

Add a little SEO in there to optimize it and keep your website front and center, and you’ll be golden.
Utilize extras. Google authorship, meta descriptions, menus, and Google+; all of these can be used to enhance your search results. Or, get in on the Google ads action.

Embrace other strategies. At the end of the day, your marketing success isn’t exclusive to search. There are plenty of other ways to get discovered, such as social or email, so take advantage of them!

The search layout wasn’t the only entity to get a little facelift; Google+ received an update as well. Even though the site has often been the butt of social networking jokes, it’s important to for a few reasons:

The Change:
In a move that’s rather reminiscent of Facebook, Google+ will display a much larger thumbnail image when you link to a webpage with a high quality picture. The enhanced link post will also include some text from the webpage, as well as a link to the source’s Google+ page (another sign that Google+ is becoming more important that ever).

Why it’s Important:
Almost a third of the top pages on Google+ consisted of news and content sites in 2013. With more noticeable link posts and clickable headlines and images, brands can expect an increase in Google+ referrals and engagement with their Google+ page.

What You Can Do:
Get on Google+ if you’re not on it already! Many tech prophets anticipate Google+ to become a critical element of the overall Google strategy—a prediction is already being slowly fulfilled. So as soon as you’re done reading this, set up your page and optimize it.

Post Images and Links. Google+ is known for being image-heavy, and it’s critical to a post’s success. One of the reasons why National Geographic and Time are in the top 10 Google+ pages is because they share links with stunning photos. This is a minimum requirement—don’t neglect it! Additionally, now’s the time to share more links with users.

Use Circles to Target Your Content. If you have different niche audiences, Circles allows you to create and share content that only they can see. If you’re a medical facility that focuses on various health departments, for example, this is a great way to send pertinent information to specific audiences who need it most.!ADNTr

Monday 17 March 2014

Why Do People Fail In Affiliate Marketing?

It is not uncommon to see many people failing in affiliate marketing business.
However lucrative business proposal it might seem to be, there will be certain sections of people who would fail to get their priorities in place and do certain things wrong.

This eventually leads to them failing in affiliating marketing.

Even though affiliate marketing has been there on the internet for many years now, there are many novices who don’t understand the finer points of this trade.

Few of these people are out there just to make a quick buck or two. They soon realize that it doesn’t happen that way.

One cannot succeed in affiliate marketing business in a span of one or two days.

There are many things you need to understand and implement before you can get started.

Sometimes you may even be required to try out different programs to see which one will perform
for you better.

Trying out different things like adding affiliate banners, different advertising techniques, links to your site and so on are few such experiments you need to keep doing at regular intervals.

All these things and many more are likely to take time and you need to abide by it.

Friday 14 March 2014

5 Tips For Affilitae Marketing Beginners

oday, many of us want to pack up our jobs and be our own bosses. The idea of working for you attracts many. However, the reality of making it happen soon stops most. In fact the vast majority of us cannot get a business off the ground due to 2 main factors; the first being money and the second being risk.

Starting even a small business takes a fair amount of money. You need to buy or rent premises, purchase your stock and equipment and pay staff if you have them. You will also have other outside expenses such as advertising.

Risk is the factor that kills most businesses off. Even if you’re lucky enough to get the capital to start, nearly 90% of all small businesses fail in the first year. If yours is one of the lucky ones, you have to keep reinvesting your time and money to build up the businesses reputation. 

It could be anywhere from 5-7 years before any significant profit is seen. Most of us cannot wait that long which is what makes affiliate marketing such an attractive offer.

Affiliate marketing involves you, working as an affiliate for a merchant or company. You sell either goods or services and you’re paid on how much you produce. There are no costs and no risk. You put in what you choose and are rewarded accordingly.

Running an affiliate marketing business is challenging. You’ll have to work very hard to build it up. However, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work not someone else. Getting an affiliate marketing program going may seem difficult. 

The truth is it is down to you and how much you want to put in. There is no sure fire way to success but there are some good tips that you can follow to make you affiliate marketing scheme as successful as possible.

There are literally thousands of programs for you to choose from. However, to get started you may want to choose something that you are familiar with. This product or service may not be the hottest thing on the current market or make you a millionaire, but you will come off more confident and sincere with something you know and believe in.

This will also help when it comes to creating your site. Something familiar will allow you to be personal and creative. Trying to create a site around something you know little about will soon become boring and tedious.

Working with something familiar will also give you the some experience in the program. You can always expand at a latter time when you are more familiar with how things work.

Another good piece of advice is to watch the number of banners that you put up. A site full of banners will make the site look ugly and put off potential buyers. Carefully place your banners and use them to accent your site. Stuffing it full will not help.

Remember, in the world of affiliate marketing there is no such thing as the perfect program. Any particular program will be stuffed full of varying testimonials. Some will be great will others will have not done so well. You need to decide for yourself and not be put of by a few bad experiences. In the end it is down to you and how much you want to put in.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and work for you. The risk to you is minimal and there is no start up cost. There are many great affiliate marketing programs out there and choosing the right one may seem like a daunting task. 

When you first start out remember to stick to what you know. Find something you know about and have an interest in. Make your site attractive to others and resist the urge to fill it with banners. This may end up having the opposite of your desired effect. 

Finally remember, there is no perfect program. Some will have success where others have failed. It is all down to you. Don’t give up.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Six Ways To Use Pinterest As Part Of Your Online Marketing Plan

Does your online marketing checklist look something like this?

Facebook, check.
Twitter, check.
Instagram, check.
Blog, check.
Pinterest … Pinterest?

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networking sites – between May 2012 and May 2013 users from the UK alone grew two and a half times, taking the total number of users to a staggering 3.204 million! An even more impressive statistic proves that Pinterest users spend twice as much money as Facebook users.

Now, you would think with statistics like these, Pinterest would be one of the main social networking sites companies choose to incorporate into their existing online marketing plan. However, this is simply not the case. 

But do not fear this blog will take you through six ways you can use Pinterest as part of your existing online marketing campaign.
So What Exactly Is Pinterest?

Pinterest is often described as a social networking bookmarking tool. It allows users to share images in an online community – and once uploaded, these images, or pins as they are called, can be placed on boards which can then be customised and added to. 

The site is extremely easy to use and there are several different ways in which you can use it:

Pin a link to a website
Upload an image
Create a video
Share other users' content.
The main goal of the social networking site is to connect people through visuals and this is exemplified in the process of pinning images. You simply source your image, assign it to a board and if you wish, add a caption. 

Pinterest encourages users to browse boards, comment, share pins and re-pin images onto their own boards – interaction is very similar to that of Facebook or Twitter. Pinterest can also be used to embed pins or images onto websites or blogs just like a Facebook or Twitter logo would be used to encourage traffic from one site to another.

As with any form of social media, there are many tips and tricks that you can use which can be applied to several different media platforms – Pinterest is no different. The six ways listed below are some that you may have already used or maybe you haven't thought to apply them. Well now is your chance.

1. Engage New Audiences
Pinterest is a great way to attract and interact with a new audience. The nature of the site encourages you to pin, comment and share other people's images, which in turn can help drive traffic, generate leads and ultimately increase sales. 

By sharing content, not only will you be interacting with existing followers, which is proven to increase success, but you will also be exposing your pins to more people. This is because when you pin something, your details are displayed below the pin, which gives people the opportunity to visit your homepage. 

As you can see, the world of Pinterest is not too dissimilar to Twitter, sharing content is similar to re-tweeting something which again is a well-known way to engage new audiences and increase your online presence.

2. Create Great Content
The ability to pin videos as well as images is a great way to create great engaging content. By clicking on the 'Video navigation link' at the top of the page, this will allow you to watch all of the tutorials which give you a great insight into how you can use videos and share them to boost interaction on the site. 

Another way to create great content is to be constantly searching the internet for images which you could use. There are many great bookmarking sites which include visuals that you can incorporate into your Pinterest board. Using content from other social networking sites is also a good way to generate content, for example an image used on a new blog could be posted with a link to the blog itself.

3. Create User-generated Boards
Creating a board that is used by followers is a great way to boost interaction. Opening up boards to other Pinterest users can include potential customers into your online marketing campaign in an easy and relatable way. 

By asking users to pin content onto the board you are able to gain a real insight into what they are enjoying or viewing at that moment in time. It is a priceless element to online marketing that can often provide invaluable information. 

You could also pick a few of your favourite pinners or most frequent Pinterest fans and create a tribute pinboard. This is also a great way to create content, by using what your followers are most interested in.

4. Use As Part Of Your Market Research
By now, you should already have gathered many ways in which Pinterest can be used to gain market research. One of the best ways to use Pinterest to your advantage is to simply observe and take note about what your potential customers are following. This will give you a great insight into the kinds of images and visuals which they are finding inspiring. 

Another way to carry out market research is to create an open board with a specific theme and encourage followers to fill it with images that they feel are suitable and relate to the theme. As you can see from the examples given, market research that is carried out can be done without your potential customers knowing – a key advantage, as you can be sure that the information you are receiving is completely unbiased and natural.

5. Interact With Followers
Just like any other social media marketing campaign that you have, your success on Pinterest relies heavily on your constant use of the site. It is important to keep an active profile that is regularly commenting on other people's pins, repining other user's content and following other Pinterest users. 

Similar to Facebook or Twitter interactions, it is at your discretion how often you interact and engage with followers but sometimes you may feel that you want to comment on pictures or even thank followers for sharing your pins. This is great and remember positive interaction ultimately maintains and often improves relations with potential customers. 

Due to the fact that everyone you follow will be notified of your activity on the site, this will ensure that some followers are likely to notice your movements and be intrigued to visit your homepage to find out more about who you are and what you do. It is at this point that you need to be prepared and ensure your profile is 100% complete.
6. Fill Your Profile
As the last point mentions, interactions with followers is crucial on Pinterest as your followers will be notified of your activity. This, in turn, often leads to followers viewing your profile to find out some more information about you and your company. This is where it becomes imperative that your profile is full of relevant information. 

Ensure that your 'About' profile is filled with keywords, just as your Twitter profile should be, connect your Pinterest page to your other social networking sites and most importantly ensure there is a clear link back to your website. This will encourage traffic from Pinterest to your website and vice versa. A final tip is to ensure your profile is made public; this will make it easier for users to find and interact with you on Pinterest.

So there you have it, my six ways to use Pinterest as part of your online marketing campaign, and as you can see many of the tips given can also be applied to your other existing social media campaigns. Seems fairly straightforward right? That's because it is! 

Online marketing is all about encouraging interaction and creating a positive online image. Now you have the information, it is time to get pinning.

Monday 10 March 2014

Smart Affiliate Marketing Advertising

Affiliate marketing is really about the promotion of products with an online company. The affiliate will sign up with the advertiser or marketing arm of the company, then the affiliate will become
an active looker of clients.

Advertising is the means to making a great number of consumers aware of certain products. Therefore, advertising should be both attracting and appealing to consumers. If the advertising isn't appealing enough, it won't be effective.

If the advertising manages to pull the attention of consumers, then it's considered to be powerful.
To make advertising powerful and effective, the affiliate must use smart methods of advertising.
An example of smart advertising is the re-use of one key concept of affiliate marketing - the
harnessing of human resources. What this means, is that an affiliate may tap on the capacities of
others to bring more visitors to the website.

The economics involved of making an affiliate marketing program beneficial can be simple, yet
unquestionable. Say for instance, when a visitor ups a form to the website of the affiliate, the affiliate may be earning .50 cent from the company that he's promoting. In a single day, he may refer ten visitors - which is equivalent to 5.00.

Keep in mind, the affiliate may increase his income by utilizing others as well. The more people an
affiliate manages to recruit or get to make purchases or fill out forms, the more money that affiliate
will make.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Does Pure Leverage The Idea Of Affiliate Marketing Make Your Head Spin? Let These Simple Tips Set You Straight!

Affiliate marketing, not to be confused with internet marketing although they overlap, is a marketing practice involving rewarding affiliates for each visitor/customer that is brought in through via the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

This is a form of online marketing in which the consumer is on one type of site and then clicks on a banner ad that brings them to the prime retailer’s site. Facebook is the most current and profitable site to engage in affiliate marketing.

Pay attention to the cookie duration of the parent site of your affiliate marketing program. A site visitor’s cookies tell the parent company that you sent them that traffic and allows you to receive that commission. 

If the cookies expire after a very short period of time, the parent company is likely trying to cheat you out of valuable commission dollars.

To increase the success of your affiliate marketing, be sure to test products before you advertise them. If you are displeased with the product, it is likely that your customers or subscribers will be as well.
 Advertising an unsatisfactory product will decrease your credibility and trustworthiness, while advertising a quality product will do the opposite.

Affiliate marketing entails many tasks, some hard and some easy. You should always tackle the hardest and longest tasks first if you want to be productive. By doing this, you will be able to coast through the easier tasks, ending your workday on a good, strong note. Plus, handling the tougher Pure Leverage products review tasks first allows you to get more of them done per day.

Call the affiliate company that you are thinking about working with. If their customer service does not treat you well, you have a good idea that they will not treat your customers any better. If they leave you on hold for hours or are completely rude to you, you may want to move on.

Target keywords in reviews that you write for the marquee products you will promote on your site. Create back links to the review you have written, and it will increase the search engine ranking. This strategy will target the people who are actually interested in buying things.

It’s a good idea to ask for a generous commission from an affiliate program. If they only offer you 5% to 10% on each sale, you may want to hold out for a better offer or look for another program. 20% to 50% is a more reasonable share of each sale.

There are many so-called authorities and gurus out there in the world of affiliate marketing, but you want to be careful listening to people so established in the business. You never know when they’re just trying to get rid of competition by sending people on a wild goose chase. Always double check everything you learn.

Once you have been in business long enough to build up a positive reputation with affiliate vendors, you can request sample products from them. You can use these samples to form your own opinion of an affiliate’s product and advertise and endorse it. Be reasonable in these requests; make sure the vendors you contact know that you can be a valuable partner.

A great affiliate marketing tip pure leverage pay plan is to incorporate multi-media onto your web site. Doig so can be a great way to get in touch with a vast amount of people. Some people favor certain media, and by having multi-media you’ll be catering to everyone.

Don’t sell yourself short! Accepting a low affiliate commission so that you can get your store up and running will not leave you the time you need to explore higher-paying options. You are better off dedicating all your time to finding a partnership which brings you from 20-50 percent commission on the products you sell.

To be a successful affiliate marketer you should be working to build up your sub-affiliate network. These are people who are going to push the product for you thus earning you a healthy commission with half the work. This won’t happen right away but it is something to aspire to as a marketer.

If you become an affiliate marketer for a product that you have not personally tried, become knowledgeable about it, inside and out. You need to include examples of how the product has worked and possibly reviews of the product from others who have used it. Give your customers as much information as possible in order to make that sale.

Affiliate marketing is bringing the marketplace to a whole new level on the internet. Consumers based in Nebraska are being directed to merchants located all over the world in targeted marketing directives. 

Affiliate marketing is a cost-effective form of online marketing that has gained growing acceptance since its conception in 1994. Large online merchants such as and CDNOW have produced great results engaging in this practice.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Affiliate Tips And Tricks Part 3

We’re back with the last three tips in our series. I hope you have enjoyed it so far and have found some ideas that will help you. You can read part one and part two here. (See below)

So far we have discussed the importance of focusing on promoting a few great products vs. the standard advice of having 15 blogs (and spreading yourself too thin) or, worse yet, grabbing a high gravity product and blasting away.

These are classic mistakes; mistakes most of us have made.

We talked about the importance of using a professional ad tracker and never using free link cloakers. Then we touched on the importance of building your list. And important it is.

If you work at it and give it a bit of time your list will soon become your #1 asset and will create both time and financial freedom as well.

Now we move on to the last three points in the series.

Affiliate marketing can be a wonderful way to earn extra income or a full time living. These are the techniques that work for me. I hope they work well for you too.

Affiliate Tip # 7 – Use Free Reports To Build Your list
The logic is clear – it is SO much easier to give things away than to make the sale today. This is why using a squeeze page and offering a free report works so well.

Top marketers all use this approach. I suggest you use it as well. But here’s the problem. We all suffer from a lack of time and most of us aren’t great writers. Again, the Internet comes to the rescue!

One of the great blessings of the Interwebs is that there is a TON of free information that you can use to entice people to visit your site and learn more about your product.

Who produces free information that you can use? Many top marketers, like Jimmy Brown, have based their business on this model. You give away their high quality report which builds your list and gives their product exposure.

It’s a win-win!

Some of them can even be branded with your affiliate links. More about how to do that in another article.

Why struggle to convince someone to take your information when these superstars have created free eBooks, reports and e-Courses to do the work for you!

Please note, I’m not talking about doing something you should not do. ONLY use material when the author gives permission.

Another option is PLR (Private Label Rights) products. These resale rights products can be given away or branded with your name and affiliate links in most cases.

I like the products from Nicole Dean for this. I find her products to be of consistently high value and on topics of interest to people searching the Internet.

You can reach her at this link:

Affiliate Tip #8 – Survey Your List
Why guess at what people want when you can KNOW in advance what they want and offer it to them.

So many people find a product and buy ads only to be disappointed with the results. In many cases, most cases actually, the problem is targeting. They simply did not know for sure that the people who saw the ad were interested in the product they were promoting.

It’s as simple as this — You can’t hit a target you cannot see.
Whether you have a list of your own or not you can use surveys to find out exactly what people need and then offer it to them. This is a powerful way to market online.

There are several tools to help get the job done. Survey Monkey works well and is a popular choice.

Another great option comes from and excellent programmer (and friend) Will Bontrager. It’s called MasterSurvey and you can find it, along with Will’s other excellent work, at

The tool I use most comes from Joel Comm and is called Instant Form Pro. Check them out and see which one fits your needs best.

Last – If you have a blog you can use a free plug in like I do. The one I use is called WP-Polls. It’s free and easy to use.


If you have a site or blog but no list you are in good shape. Just add a survey to your site or blog and offer visitors the chance to express their opinion.

If you want to build a list from this offer a freebie for them signing up. I have found that a copy of the survey results works well for this.

People love to express their opinons and love even more knowing how their opinion compares to others. Get them to sign up to your list and email them a copy of the results once the survey is complete. Easy list building.

POWER TIP: If you don’t have a list of your own consider using paid advertising to run a survey. Rather than the standard pitch fest, YOUR ad will stand out because you are asking people what they need. Just add a sign up form to the survey and you will both build your list and know what they need as well.

It’s often been said that ‘if you take care of what you have you won’t need more’.

Customers and subscribers are like that. The more you focus on customer service the more products and services you will sell… period.

Most online business men and women have this idea completely backward. They spend all of their time, energy and money on trying to find the next customer when their ‘pot of gold’ is right in front of them.

Here’s the truth about Internet marketing. Your customer list is gold!

Let other online business men and women spend sleepless nights wondering where their next sale is coming from. Spend your days and nights finding out what your customers want to buy next.

POWER TIP: If you really want to make sales find out what the people on your list need and then buy a product that meets that need and report on it to them. They will buy more if they know you put your money where your mouth is. This is one reason I never promote a product I have not bought and used.

Affiliate Tip #9 – Multiple Streams of Traffic
Every day I get emails from people who placed one ad and are waiting to ‘see what happens’.

While that is perfectly logical, it just doesn’t work. It takes time to get the process right and it takes time to learn what resources work best for your offer as well.

To really succeed online you have to sort of be everywhere at once. Here’s what I mean …

There are fast ways to get traffic and slow ways to get traffic. In my view it is vital that you use both.
If money is an issue you are going to want to focus on free ways to get traffic. They will be slower but they will work.

Once sales start to happen you can invest some of that money in paid advertising, which will bring in traffic faster.

But having both methods working at once is the real key to success. It’s great to buy paid advertising and get 1000 clicks. But when the clicks stop what happens next?

If you lay a foundation of proven free methods (like blogging, article marketing and social media) and then put paid advertising on top you will have a steady flow of traffic 24 hours a day.

For an excellent list of free and paid advertising methods see my Driving Traffic Quick Course. No opt in required and it’s free to you.

The goal is to strike a balance. As with most things in life, balance and focus are the keys to success here. That’s it for this series. I hope you enjoyed it and that the ideas shared here are helpful to you.

One last word – the person who wins in business is not the talented genius as much as it is the person who learns how to do the basics well and keeps doing them over and over again.

If you learn these basics and take action on them you will be light years ahead of those who keep trying to buy success with the next hyped up product launch.

When you master these basic skills and do them repeatedly time will become your ally. Selling will become automatic and you will have more free time to enjoy your success too.

And that is a beautiful combination indeed!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Affiliate Tips & Tricks Part 2

Welcome back to more tips and tricks designed to help you become a super-successful affiliate!
It’s not too strong a statement to say that the Internet and affiliate marketing have changed the world.

In the olden days (when I was young) if you wanted to go into business you needed money, and plenty of it, to get started.

More than that, you needed connections, sometimes you needed to buy a franchise, and there were endless regulations and red tape.

And then you needed an office and employees.
No wonder most brick and mortar small businesses fail!

Enter the Information Age and a new dawn for those who want to work for themselves.

Today’s Internet makes it possible for anyone with an Internet connection, an idea and a computer to make a full time living working from home. 
I know it’s true because that’s what happened for me. I want so much for that to happen for you as well.

And the fastest way to make that dream come true is to become an affiliate for someone’s popular (and profitable) product.

Let’s look at three more key elements to becoming successful as an affiliate.

These are the same techniques I use every day. They work well for me and I hope they will work well for you too. Do these consistently and you will be pleasantly surprised at check time!

Affiliate Tip #4 –  Focus on fewer products
One of the biggest reasons that many affiliates struggle to make money online is a lack of focus on a core set of products that can really produce results.

We live in a multitasking age. We cook dinner and talk on the phone with the television on while scanning our email.

In that scenario can any of them get done as well as if our total focus was on one thing? I think not.

Focus matters. And there are few places where it matters more than in your business.

Make no mistake – your affiliate marketing efforts are a business and should be treated as such.
Let me ask you this question … how many products are you trying to promote right now?

Try to come up with a specific number and hold that number in your mind for a moment.

In a recent poll on my blog almost 50% of respondents said they promote 10 or more products. Some were trying to promote over 30 products at the same time!

Almost all of them said they are not making any money doing it. Is it any wonder they are not succeeding with affiliate marketing?

Here’s the problem – if you are an affiliate marketer with a budget of $300 for advertising and are promoting 10 products you will feel the need to split your budget between these products.

If you don’t do that then how will you know which product performed? But here’s the hard truth … nothing gets successfully promoted for $30 online. It’s just not the real world.

You see, it takes reaching as large an audience as possible of real prospects to make sales. And $30 just won’t get that job done.

But if you focused the entire $300 on promoted one product, a great product, you would most likely do well. See the difference?

NOTE: I am not saying to spend all your ad budget on one ad and just “roll the dice.” That’s not wise. What I am saying is this …

Focus all of your marketing — including ad buys — on one product that you really believe in and want to promote aggressively. 

Know how many products I promote on a regular basis? Four

So does that make me better or smarter than you? If you know me at all, you know that is not what I am saying.

What I am saying is this – when you promote fewer products, and commit to only promoting great products, you will likely earn much more.

And if you have a mailing list of your own your subscribers will be happier too. Why?

Because you are not always pitching something but rather sharing with them tools and resources you know will help them.

Because helping people, really empowering them to achieve, is a beautiful thing.

This is exactly how I market online. I never promote a product I have not used and had success with — never. And I don’t have to pitch to my list every day either.

When I send a solo ad it gets results because my readers (you included) know that I don’t promote junk just to make money.

Recommending high quality products to an audience of people who know you, like you and trust you is the essence of successful email marketing.

Affiliate Tip #5 – Get Them in Your Permission Based System
Okay, this is the BIG one.

For the record, having your own list is the most profitable thing you can do online. Now, let’s talk about how to do it.

You can start your own follow-up system in three easy steps. First, find something of value to give to visitors.

You don’t have to write it, you can use a high quality PLR product if you like. Great marketers have already done the work for you and will gladly give you their material to use.

Focus on well-known marketers like Jimmy Brown or Marlon Sanders.

These two, and more, offer eCourses and books you can give away with your affiliate links right in the report.

Another option is to use something from the affiliate program of the product on which you choose to focus.

Second, create a list for each product you promote. I use Aweber for this but there are many of good autoresponders on the market.

What you want to do here is have a separate list for each product you promote. This way you can send product-specific messages to the people who have expressed an interest in learning more.

These are real prospects. They have raised their hand and asked for more information. These are your future customers, not some tire-kicker who visits your site to get credits or earn a few pennies.

Does this work? Yes, it works incredibly well. In fact, I have never found a situation in which I did not sell much more using follow up email than just a sales letter.

Why is that true? Because people are busy. They are distracted. They have less time to spend online than before and are distracted by WAAAY more shiny objects than ever before.

Please answer this question.

Which would you prefer…

To read a 5000 word long sales letter
To watch a 45 minute video
To get more information via email so you can read it an your convenience.

I’m guessing you answered to get more information via email. I know I did. And I know this…
Your prospects want to know more but they want to get the information on their schedule, not yours.

So why not give them what they really want instead of making them sit through some video or read a long sales letter?

If you know how to check your web stats you will likely find that the average visitor stays on your site less than 1 minute. If they are like me they skim the page, get somewhat interested and then scroll to the bottom for the price.

How much better would it be to let them use that one minute to join your mailing list?

Answer … a lot better. Easier for you, more profitable for you and now you are letting them buy, not selling to them. That’s a powerful difference.

Third, invite everyone who comes to your site to get your no-cost material. Now they are in YOUR system and you can email them offers from time to time.

MUCH better than sending traffic to someone else’s site and never even knowing who they are! If this way of marketing interests you I have an entire membership site devoted to email marketing. You can learn more here.

Affiliate Tip #6 – Use Product-Specific Autoresponders
This one is very important. When a person responds to an ad you run or visits your site they should be offered a chance to join a list about the specific product you are promoting.

Whether you use a squeeze page or a form on your blog is up to you. But it’s vital that you begin building YOUR mailing list now.

So far so good. But what do you say to them once they are on the list?

It’s easy – just make a list of the top 10 things you like about the product you are promoting and write a short message around each of those ideas.

Take the Directory of Ezines for example. Many people like the DOE not for the list of ezines but for the free consulting with me.

So you could write a short message about that, and how it’s helped you, and then include your affiliate link. Presto — instant selling email!

HINT: The more you can talk from your own experience with a product the better. Even when you run ads (like solo ads) the more personal you can get the better.

Now you have let time become your ally. I sell products every day using this technique. You can too.

In the next installment I’m going to wrap up and talk about where, and how, to advertise your affiliate offer. So stay tuned.

Monday 3 March 2014

Affiliate Tips And Tricks Part 1

Knowing how to succeed as an affiliate for someone else’s product is very important to your online success.

Most of us start out as affiliates, selling someone else’s product for a commission.

In many ways affiliate marketing is the perfect online business.

You don’t have to create products or do customer service or answer pre-sales questions — as an affiliate you just promote and get paid.

Sounds good, right?

It sounds good because it is good. It can be a wonderful way to earn money online.

But the fact remains that some 98% (or more) of affiliates never make a dime online and very few of the 2% who do succeed make a full time living.

I believe this problem can be solved!

I want you to know that it is not too late for you. You have not missed out on anything.
You can begin again today and find success as an affiliate marketer if you work at it and use conservative and proven methods.

Over the years of my own affiliate marketing efforts I have discovered nine keys to affiliate marketing success.

I use each one of these principles and share them freely with you in hopes they help you too.

Allow me to add a personal note. I was not always a successful affiliate marketer. In the beginning of my online career I fell for the hype and fast cash promises too and it was not a pretty thing.

But I stuck with it, replacing the hyped up methods with proven business methods.

The results have been excellent. I don’t promote other peoples’ products often but when I do I am usually the top affiliate and often outsell the product owner.

How do I do that? By using what I’m going to share with you below.

In this short series I will share nine ‘tricks of the trade’, as well as a word or two about how you can put them into practice in your business life.

We will do that in three parts and so today we look at methods 1 – 3.

What we’re trying to get to here is what works in the Real World. No hype. No fluff. Just Real World Tactics that work.

Remember, every super affiliate was where you are right now at one point.
We all start in the same place.

Where we end up depends on our choices and how well we learn.

You do not have to be a ‘guru’ to use these techniques.

You just have to want success. :-)

Ready? There’s a lot to cover so let’s get going.

Affiliate Tip #1 – Use Great Ad Copy
Most people are not great copywriters. That’s completely understandable. While copywriting is something you might want to learn, it makes sense to model great copywriters until you get there.

Copywriters who get paid hundreds of dollars (sometimes thousands) per page to write have written great ads that are proven to work.

So why not use what they have written as part of your ad?

This is very important. You must never take someone’s copy, be it an email or sales letter or other ad, and copy it word for word or steal their graphics. That’s just wrong. Never infringe a copyright.

But you can model what they have done and make it your own. And believe me, it works!

Where do you find great ads to use as your model?

Watch the ezines you read. Look for repeat ads. If the ad runs over and over again it’s a winner.
Affiliate programs almost always offer pre-written ads you can use.
Classic eBooks often contain great copy ideas.
Social media – especially Twitter - is great for headline research.
If you are on top marketers’ lists you are getting lots of emails. Study them for good copy.
In each of these cases you will want to change what you find to fit you. 
My best advice today is to keep your ads short and create curiosity. You can find more about how to write ads (and other copy) here.

Affiliate Tip #2 – Promote Only GREAT Products
Have you fallen for the “high gravity” hype? I did. It’s so easy to just want to jump on the bandwagon of a hot-selling product and get your share of the action.

But that’s not the real world in most cases. If you have followed the “find a high gravity product and run an ad” advice you know that doesn’t work well.

The key is to promote great products, not products that are winning a popularity contest today. You want to promote products that help people and have stood the test of time.

To be great I believe a product must meet these three standards.

1. The product works well and meets a real need.
2. It pays you enough to cover marketing costs and provide a profit
3. It creates happy buyers.

The reason the product needs to work well is this. It’s a vital point that many affiliates miss. When you believe in something you will promote it well and with all your heart. When all you want is the money bad things happen fast. If you believe in a product you will find ways to succeed promoting it.

When all you want is money you will be tempted to give up after the first unsuccessful attempt and jump to another product.
And that is a sure recipe for failure.

The reason I say it must pay enough is that paid advertising is the #1 way to promote affiliate products. So you have to earn enough to both pay your ad costs and keep some profits too.

Not hard to do if you know what to look for.

The reason happy buyers matters is that you are going to be able to follow up with these buyers and offer them more. If they are happy they will buy from your recommendation time and time again.

Affiliate Tip # 3 – Use An Ad Tracker
This is one of those areas in which almost all affiliate marketers could improve.

While there is no reason to go crazy tracking every little thing (you really can waste a lot of time here) you simply MUST track every ad to know if you have made or lost money.

Probably the best example of this is the fellow who did two ad runs. One produced 500 hits and the other produced 100 hits. During the ad run he made 25 sales.

Naturally assuming that the bigger hits produced bigger sales, he cancelled the ad run that produced the 100 hits only to have sales drop! Sure enough, the ad that produced fewer hits produced the most sales due to the high quality of the traffic.

The moral of the story? Never confuse numbers with quality.

You really can get 100,000 hits to your site and not make one single sale. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Here are my two favorite ad trackers. These are not affiliate links.

For perhaps the best information on the subject of ad tracking, visit my good friend Harvey Segal (who will fuss at me because I’m not tracking his link) at

One final word here if I may.

I strongly suggest avoiding all free link cloakers.
The spammers will ruin them all over time and your links will be at risk. And that’s a risk you can’t afford. For more about this read my article here.

Well there you have my first three tips.

Here are three action steps you might want to take.

1. Choose the one product you want to promote most
2. Get a great ad written for that product, or write one if you prefer
3. Get your ad tracking squared away.

If you do these three things you will be prepared for the success that you want and deserve. In the next message I will share three more keys (as well as one advanced technique) to help you even more.

Until then, be well and don’t ever give up. You are closer than you think.